Thursday 20th July

1.00pm - 3.00pm Registration

3.00pm - 3.30pmPōwhiriRoom 1
(Unison Arena)                                                                     
3.30pm - 4.00pmKᾱpu tī                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             History Wall foyer
4.00pm Hui 
Facilitated by Andrea Webster, NZSTA, Max Guptill

Facilitated by Patrick Ikiua, NZSTA, Wendy Esera, Henderson Intermediate,
Iosua Esera, Sutton Park School    
Room 1
(Unison Arena)

Room 2 
(Bay Trust Forum)

Friday 21st July

7.30amRegistration opensGrand Hall
8.30am - 8.40am   Conference Opening 
Hui Whakatau
Wendy and Iosua Esera - Farewell speech
Room 1
(Unison Arena)
8.40am - 8.50amNZSTA President address
Lorraine Kerr, MNZM
Room 1(Unison Arena)
8.50am - 9.00amNZSTA CEO Address
Elise Adams
Room 1(Unison Arena)
9.00am - 10.00am Keynote Presentation 
Paula Tesoriero, Te Tumu Whakarae - Chief Executive, Whaikaha - The Ministry of Disabled People
Room 1(Unison Arena)
10.00am - 10.30amMorning Tea
10.30am - 11.15amKeynote presentation
Hon Jan Tinetti

Room 1(Unison Arena)
11.15am - 12.00pmKeynote Presentation
Doug Howlett
Room 1(Unison Arena)
12.00pm - 12.45pmLunch
12.45pm - 1.30pmKeynote Presentation
Minister Kelvin Davis
Room 1(Unison Arena)
1.30pm - 2.30pmNZSTA Regional Meetings
2.30pm - 4.00pm   Seminar Session 1
Masterclass 1

Seminar 1
Governing to realise the right to education of every child
Ced Simpson, NZSTA  & Tina Maree Thatcher, Principal, Karapiro School 
Room 1
(Unison Arena)
Seminar 2
Determination and Termination
Ngaire Cooper, NZSTA

Seminar 1
Governing to realise the right to education of every child
Ced Simpson, NZSTA  & Tina Maree Thatcher, Principal, Karapiro School     
Seminar 2
Determination and Termination
Ngaire Cooper, NZSTA     
Seminar 3
Reshaping complaints: A starting point for community feedback
Michael O'Brien, NZSTA & Alan Curtis NZSTA Provider  
Seminar 4
Staffing your school - The board as the employer
Lisa Dunn, NZSTA & Amol Shejwal, NZSTA   
Seminar 5
Why every school should have a code of conduct for staff
Grant Hay, NZSTA  
Seminar 6
Law: What is it good for?      Maynard Scott, NZSTA   
7: Masterclass 1 
Resetting the education agenda
Michael Dreaver  
Seminar 8
Wellbeing - Creating a reconnection to who you really are
Leigh Patuawa
Seminar 9
Online Safety - Get in the know
Shelley Hirst, Netsafe   
Seminar 10
Stop worrying and start loving Cybersecurity
Greg Duff, Head of Education and Engagement, Network for Learning (N4L)     
Seminar 11
Student Behaviour Management
Cheryl Bunker & Paula Helms, NZSTA    
Seminar 12
Student Board members and Climate Change
Rachel Bolstad & Jo MacDonald, NZCER 
Student Board Members only

4.00pm - 4.20pmAfternoon Tea
4.20pm - 6.15pmSeminar Session 2
Masterclass 1 continues

Seminar 13
Governing to realise the right to education of every child
Ced Simpson, NZSTA  & Tina Maree Thatcher, Principal, Karapiro School     
Seminar 14
Determination and Termination
Ngaire Cooper, NZSTA     
Seminar 15
Reshaping complaints: A starting point for community feedback
Michael O'Brien, NZSTA & Alan Curtis NZSTA Provider  
Seminar 16
Staffing your school - The board as the employer
Lisa Dunn, NZSTA & Amol Shejwal, NZSTA   
Seminar 17
Why every school should have a code of conduct for staff
Grant Hay, NZSTA  
Seminar 18
Law: What is it good for?    Maynard Scott, NZSTA   
19: Masterclass 1
Resetting the education agenda
Michael Dreaver  
Seminar 20
Wellbeing - Creating a reconnection to who you really are
Leigh Patuawa
Seminar 21
Online Safety - Get in the know
Shelley Hirst, Netsafe   
Seminar 22
Stop worrying and start loving Cybersecurity
Greg Duff, Head of Education and Engagement, Network for Learning (N4L)     
Seminar 23
Student Behaviour Management
Cheryl Bunker & Paula Helms, NZSTA    
Seminar 24
Climate change in schools: What can Boards do?
Rachel Bolstad & Jo MacDonald, NZCER 

6.15pm - 7.45pm
NZSTA Cocktail Function 
Energy Events Centre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                          Sponsored by Class                                                                         

 Saturday 22nd July

7.30am  Registration opens
8.30am - 9.15amKeynote Presentation:
The wonder of teaching: what sits at the heart of a happy school?

Lesley Hoskin, CEO NZ Teaching Council
9.15am - 10.45am  Seminar Session 3
Masterclass 2

Seminar 25
Small schools, big issues? Governing well in small schools
Belinda Weber, NZSTA    
Seminar 26
Presiding members - the continuing journey to becoming a "Great Chair"
Chris France, NZSTA  
Seminar 27
A matter of ethics??
Sarah Campbell, NZSTA  
Seminar 28
Navigating your way through the jungle of jargon: helping new board members navigate information overload
Sarah Thornton, NZSTA
Seminar 29
Student board members - what's in it for everyone?
Cheryl Bunker & Paula Helms, NZSTA
Seminar 30
A School culture of community consultation - not just a tick box  Rachael Spencer, NZSTA 
31: Masterclass 2
"Preparing the seed bed" - Tino rangatiratanga and education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Maynard Scott, NZSTA 
Seminar 32
Te Reo Maori Together - A collective approach to revitalisation and normalisation
Lynda Pura-Watson, ERO Deputy CE Evaluation and Review Maori
Seminar 33
School boards and the Ombudsman
Taylor Te'o & Bronwyn Dean-Royce
Office of the Ombudsman
Seminar 34
Diversity Works
Maretha Smit, Chief Executive    
Seminar 35
What do we mean by 'Special Character'? Governance in action in a State integrated school
Dr Kevin Shore, Karen Raitt & Rosalie Connors, Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools   
Seminar 36
Professional boundaries and the role of the employer
Lesley Hoskin – Teaching Council Chief Executive

10.45am - 11.15amMorning Tea
11.15am - 1.00pmNZSTA Annual General Meeting
1.00pm - 1.45pmLunch
1.45pm - 3.15pmSeminar Session 4
Masterclass 2 continues

Seminar 37
Small schools, big issues? Governing well in small schools
Belinda Weber, NZSTA    
Seminar 38
Presiding members - the continuing journey to becoming a "Great Chair"
Chris France, NZSTA  
Seminar 39
A matter of ethics??
Sarah Campbell, NZSTA  
Seminar 40
Navigating your way through the jungle of jargon: helping new board members navigate information overload
Sarah Thornton, NZSTA
Seminar 41
Student board members - what's in it for everyone?
Cheryl Bunker & Paula Helms, NZSTA
Seminar 42
A school culture of community consultation - not just a tick box  Rachael Spencer, NZSTA 
43: Masterclass 2
"Preparing the seed bed" - Tino rangatiratanga and education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Maynard Scott, NZSTA 
Seminar 44
Te Reo Maori Together - A collective approach to revitalisation and normalisation
Lynda Pura-Watson, ERO Deputy CE Evaluation and Review Maori
Seminar 45
School boards and the Ombudsman
Taylor Te'o & Bronwyn Dean-Royce
Office of the Ombudsman
Seminar 46
Diversity Works
Maretha Smit, Chief Executive    
Seminar 47
What do we mean by 'Special Character'? Governance in action in a State integrated school
Dr Kevin Shore, Karen Raitt & Rosalie Connors, Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools   
Seminar 48
Professional boundaries and the role of the employer
Lesley Hoskin – Teaching Council Chief Executive

3.15pm - 3.30pmAfternoon Tea
3.30pm - 4.15pmKeynote Presentation:
The business of children: what school trustees need to know and do about privacy

Michael Webster, Privacy Commissioner
4.15pm - 5.45pmSeminar Session 5
Masterclass 3

Seminar 49
More than a letter of complaint - the constant complainer
Lisa Dunn, NZSTA
Seminar 50
Bullying and interpersonal conflict
Ana Noble, NZSTA
Seminar 51
Building authentic sustainable relationships with key Maori stakeholders in your rohe and beyond
Andrea Webster, NZSTA
Seminar 52
Demystifying school governance
Anna Gallien, NZSTA
53: Masterclass 3
CEO or board member - Who am i? Ko wai au?
Bruce Hart & Partick Ikiua, NZSTA
Seminar 54
Understanding the NCEA and what the upcoming changes mean
Jann Marshall, Deputy CE - Assessment, NZQA
Seminar 55
Evaluation - The art of knowing
Deirdre Shaw & Juliette Hayes,  Education Review Office
Seminar 56
Te Rito- Engaging Families and Whānau in their Child's Education.
Myles Ferris & Graeme Barber, 
Te Rito
Seminar 57
New Zealand Curriculum refresh / The redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and what boards need to know
Rose Carpenter & Mandy Bird, Te Tᾱhuhu o te Mᾱtauranga/Ministry of Education

Seminar 58
Working in partnership to support Tamariki & Rangatahi that are exposed to family harm: School wellbeing alerts
Insp Anne Wilki & Insp Seema Kotecha, NZ Police
Seminar 59
Strategic leadership for schools
Dale Bailey, CEO, Springboard Trust
Seminar 60
Using braille programming cards to teach coding / robotics
Bruce Jackson & Ronel Schodt, Kai's Education

5.45pmDay 2 closes
NZSTA Conference Gala Dinner – Back to the Future
Energy Event Centre
Sponsored by Crombie Lockwood

Sunday 23rd July

7.30am   Registration open
8.30am - 10.00amSeminar Session 6
Masterclass 3 continues

Seminar 61
More than a letter of complaint - the constant complainer
Lisa Dunn, NZSTA
Seminar 62
Bullying and interpersonal conflict
Ana Noble, NZSTA
Seminar 63
Building authentic sustainable relationships with key Maori stakeholders in your rohe and beyond
Andrea Webster, NZSTA
Seminar 64
Demystifying school governance
Anna Gallien, NZSTA
65: Masterclass 3
CEO or board member - Who am i? Ko wai au?
Bruce Hart & Partick Ikiua, NZSTA
Seminar 66
Understanding the NCEA and what the upcoming changes mean
Jann Marshall, Deputy CE - Assessment, NZQA
Seminar 67
Evaluation - The art of knowing
Deirdre Shaw & Juliette Hayes, Education Review Office
Seminar 68
Te Rito- Engaging Families and Whānau in their Child's Education.
Myles Ferris & Graeme Barber, 
Te Rito
Seminar 69
New Zealand Curriculum refresh / The redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and what boards need to know
Rose Carpenter & Mandy Bird, Te Tᾱhuhu o te Mᾱtauranga/
Ministry of Education

Seminar 70
Working in partnership to support Tamariki & Rangatahi that are exposed to family harm: School wellbeing alerts
Insp Anne Wilki & Insp Seema Kotecha, NZ Police
Seminar 71
Strategic leadership for schools
Dale Bailey, CEO, Springboard Trust
Seminar 72
Using braille programming cards to teach coding / robotics
Bruce Jackson & Ronel Schodt, Kai's Education

10.00am - 10.30amMorning Tea
10.30am - 11.30amKeynote Presentation:
Transformation Highway: My journey on a road less travelled

Geoff Knight
11.30am - 12.15pmPrizegiving

NZSTA Conference 2023

Conference organisers: The Conference Company

Phone: +64 9 360 1240

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